60s Reboot
Rob Zombie’s The Munsters Movie review by Matt D., and his two compatriots Joe G. and Becca K.
Matt D. is back talking about something new. The Munsters…er. OK a new version of The Munsters. Friends of the show Joe G. and Becca K. stop by the studio to discuss the new rebooted version of The Munsters. Directed by Rob Zombie and available on Netflix this new take gets a look under the microscope. . This movie gives us a look at the origin of the Munsters and Matt, Joe and Becca give us there thoughts on this Terrific Trio.
Becca K and Joe G
Where you can follow Joe G. on Twitter ; http://@joesmrkngrvnge
- Legal stuff –
60’s Reboot Theme Music provided by:
Music is from (https://filmmusic.io) “Funk Game Loop” by Kevin MaeLeod (https:://incompetech.com)
License: CC by (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
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